Wiandra Cloete wrote at 12:49am on February 3rd, 2009
The best of the worst comments left on blogs and message boards across the web
Just to calm your fears, the last one is actually about the snack cake of the same name. Yummy.
Two and a Half Men. Big show on CBS. Great ratings. Like most message boards, TAAHM's (I think I just made that up. Good for me) is filled with supportive fans who seem to really care about the characters and plot lines. Oh, and then there's this %$#*!*##:
CBS Community Member Joined: 08/20/2008
11/24/2008 20:32:17
Subject: boycott of Nov. 24th episode
"have you ever watched a Tv show or movie and wonder why was it necessary that a certain situation or relationship was portrayed? Why is it necessary that the girl that Jake gets involved with be black? While people of different races have relationships and some even marry I would hardly put these in the category of "the norm" yet producers and networks insist on foring such relationships down viewer's throats. Why is this necessary?"
-Wow, who knew Andy Rooney was such a virulent on-line racist*? I learn something new everyday.
*I know for a fact that Andy Rooney did not write this comment. So please don't sue me. But then again, if Andy Rooney does sue me I would most likely get a chance to meet him in person, which would be super cool. I did meet Mike Wallace a few years back. Really amazing man, with an unbelievably firm hand shake. I tell you what, when Mike Wallace shakes your hand it stays shook! Ok, back to the Andy Rooney thing. He's an American icon, a WWII vet and an all around great guy. It's just that poncita's post was written in a way that reminded me of Andy Rooney. Oh great, now I've explained the joke thus rendering it not funny. I am just going to stop.
I suggest rehab.