
Ummmm...I think you're in the wrong place

A few of the customer reviews on Amazon are weird; this we know. Sometimes you stumble across a posting that is both strange and way, way, way, out of place. Take a gander at this gem, and make sure to double check the "this review is from" line. Oh, and I love the fact that 14 out of 35 people somehow found this review helpful:

JRR TOLKIEN makes his mark in the field of Fantasy, May 11, 2001
By Cherry Blossoms (Japanese Documentarist) (NY) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Mein Kampf (Paperback)

"The Hobbit is an excellent work of fiction. However, many believe Tolkien's masterpiece was brought on by his severe heroin addiction. Clearly Bilbo Baggins is what he views himself as,a dillusional 3 foot tall man. Heroin makes addicts feel as if they shrink, and become thieves, stealing from loved ones to pay for their costly habit. When Bilbo steals the ring of invisibility, it's clear that he feels himself as invisible to his wife. I suggest marijuana."

I suggest rehab.

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