
The Shallow End of the Stupid Pool

Stupid Galore has tried with all it's might to search the internets for ridiculous comments from across the political spectrum. It quite clear that no one point of view holds a death grip on stupidity. In fact, we're begging all you Real Americans to send us stupid quotes and comments from those Commie-loving-child-killing-fairies we've read so much about. Until that glorious day, here's a great little ditty from a recent discussion on MichelleMalkin.com.

In response to the comment:

Is there a pool on when the first same-sex divorce will take place?

ArizonaNeanderthal said:

"I was going to make a comment about a bath house but that would be vulgar so I won’t. I am not going to say anything about a drowning pool either. Nor will I mention the new state motto on Iowa’s license plates: AIDS-Iowa’s Last Best Hope.
I am being moderate today. I started drinking early. "

Wow Arizona! You are soooooooooooo funny! AIDS! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh jeez I think my sides are going to split wide open! AIDS-Iowa's Last Best Hope! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Oh man ArizonaNeanderthal, nothing is funnier than making light of the more than 25 million people who have died worldwide of AIDS since 1981...

Wait a second...If I'm not mistaken, Family Guy has made it's share of tasteless AIDS jokes and I still love Seth MacFarlane. Plus, I am pretty sure that the show even referred to John McCain voters as Nazis. Oh crap, what the hell am I doing? F**K! This was such a perfect attack on the right wing's lunatic fringe and now my childish need to be even handed has totally ruined everything. Come on man you, of all people, know how much time it takes to cherry pick comments and then make fun of them with no consequences!
F**k me. Why in f**ks name did I even wake up this morning? OK f**khead get a hold of yourself. Just wrap it up and live to fight another day. In the end people are too lazy to read the smaller print anyway. OK, Deep breath and here we go...

Yeah and one more thing you giant douche bag! I hope you drink your humanity-hating-bigoted ass to death! F**k you ArizonaNeanderthal!!!!!!!!!



James said...

So basically you are outing your own self as a hypocrite?


Stupid Galore said...

I was going more for a bipolar feel, but I totally see your point.

Kudos to you James for commenting on a blog that makes fun of comments. Now that's ballsy!

thanks for reading and if you find any fun/stupid comments send them our way (we will credit you)!

Anonymous said...

Hm. Arizona, the land of meth. Enough said. I would rather live on the outskirts of big bad ol' NYC like I do than live in Arizona. AZ's methheads are the reason why I have trouble buying my allergy meds.