Turns out this review is the worst piece of drivel I have ever read:
The Cult of Perfection: Making Peace with Your Inner Overachiever (Hardcover)
The worst piece of drivel I've ever read., March 30, 2009
By R. Carranza
"Sets women back 200 years. I think it's time for this author to put away her Mac and go back to the Steno Pool where she belongs. How many trees died to print this garbage? "
By R. Carranza
"Sets women back 200 years. I think it's time for this author to put away her Mac and go back to the Steno Pool where she belongs. How many trees died to print this garbage? "
No reason to beat around the bush, here are a few reasons why R's review is a giant pile of crap:
-He complains about women being set back 200 years and then in his next breath, set women back another 50.
-Assumes that everyone uses a Mac. Some people can only afford PC's.
(Unlike whinny trust fund bastards like R . who leave reviews for books they have never even read just because the author hurt their feelings. Boohoo, poor you! Waaaaaaaaah. "Mommy come quick! The scary lady said one negative thing about my toy over a year ago and I still can't get over it because of a cripplingly myopic world view that precludes me from understanding the difference between dialogue and argument!" Waaaaah! "I want revenge, but I don't want to use my name or allow any real back and forth because then I would have take responsibility for my actions." Waaaaaaah!)
(Unlike whinny trust fund bastards like R . who leave reviews for books they have never even read just because the author hurt their feelings. Boohoo, poor you! Waaaaaaaaah. "Mommy come quick! The scary lady said one negative thing about my toy over a year ago and I still can't get over it because of a cripplingly myopic world view that precludes me from understanding the difference between dialogue and argument!" Waaaaah! "I want revenge, but I don't want to use my name or allow any real back and forth because then I would have take responsibility for my actions." Waaaaaaah!)
-Attempts to use "Steno Pool" ironically.
-Attempts irony.
-Throws in a random environmentally friendly tirade, because he read on a message board that he might be able to lose his virginity before turning 32 by pretending to be "all Green and sh**!"