
The Shallow End of the Stupid Pool

Stupid Galore has tried with all it's might to search the internets for ridiculous comments from across the political spectrum. It quite clear that no one point of view holds a death grip on stupidity. In fact, we're begging all you Real Americans to send us stupid quotes and comments from those Commie-loving-child-killing-fairies we've read so much about. Until that glorious day, here's a great little ditty from a recent discussion on MichelleMalkin.com.

In response to the comment:

Is there a pool on when the first same-sex divorce will take place?

ArizonaNeanderthal said:

"I was going to make a comment about a bath house but that would be vulgar so I won’t. I am not going to say anything about a drowning pool either. Nor will I mention the new state motto on Iowa’s license plates: AIDS-Iowa’s Last Best Hope.
I am being moderate today. I started drinking early. "

Wow Arizona! You are soooooooooooo funny! AIDS! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh jeez I think my sides are going to split wide open! AIDS-Iowa's Last Best Hope! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Oh man ArizonaNeanderthal, nothing is funnier than making light of the more than 25 million people who have died worldwide of AIDS since 1981...

Wait a second...If I'm not mistaken, Family Guy has made it's share of tasteless AIDS jokes and I still love Seth MacFarlane. Plus, I am pretty sure that the show even referred to John McCain voters as Nazis. Oh crap, what the hell am I doing? F**K! This was such a perfect attack on the right wing's lunatic fringe and now my childish need to be even handed has totally ruined everything. Come on man you, of all people, know how much time it takes to cherry pick comments and then make fun of them with no consequences!
F**k me. Why in f**ks name did I even wake up this morning? OK f**khead get a hold of yourself. Just wrap it up and live to fight another day. In the end people are too lazy to read the smaller print anyway. OK, Deep breath and here we go...

Yeah and one more thing you giant douche bag! I hope you drink your humanity-hating-bigoted ass to death! F**k you ArizonaNeanderthal!!!!!!!!!



The first nominee for Moron of the Year

I was just over on Perez Hilton's wonderful site and I discovered a gem of an email that Perez posted:

The lovely Mike Pullano (mpullano@cox.net) just wrote in to us, saying:

"You are one pathetic bastard….You should be gassed…You fucken fag….Go play with you little clit…Your Daddy must be real proud or is he a faggot also? To bad Hitler missed them."

Wow. Doesn't that make you so proud to be an American?

Mike, it's clear that you're a vicious bigot who also happens to be functionally illiterate. So with that in mind, here are some reasons why you, Mike Pullano, is in the running for our "Stupid Galore Moron of the Year" award!

1)From the tone of your email, I can extrapolate that you have a lot of practice writing angry letter/emails to people you have never met. So with that in mind, how is it you can't spell "fucken" correctly? It's the cornerstone of the pathetic virulent rant!

2)I always thought a "bastard" was a child that didn't know it's own father? So how would Perez have any idea if his "Daddy" is proud of him, or for that matter the sexual orientation of his father?

(Unless of course the email address is not really yours and you did this all as a taste-less and cowardly prank knowing full well that Perez would publish said address thus causing people to flood someone you hate with thousands of angry e-mails. Either way you're a jack-ass.)

4) Oh and don't even get me started on the pronoun problems. Which "them" did Hitler miss? I mean your beloved Hitler was after a lot of different people so you need to be a lot more specific.

Just remember Mike, even if you don't end up winning the award, you'll always be an A-1 douche bag in our eyes.


The Tall and Short of It

Sometimes an article really brings out the crazy in folks. Recently, the increasingly erratic people over at Burger King ran an ad in Spain that upset the Mexican people. Before we continue let's take a peak at the ad! It makes me sad and hungry, kinda like sex:

The ad features a tall cowboy and a short man in a Mexican-style wrestling costume. The tag line? "The taste of Texas with a little spicy Mexican."

I decided I would check out the coverage on the right-leaning website Breitbart.com because it was the first and only place I went. Ok, with that out of the way, let's have some not-so-good, not-so-clean, not-so-much-fun.

Teachem on Breitbart.com:

"It is not the first time that fast-food outlets have offended Mexican sensibilities. And, I can guarantee you --that it won't be the last time that American businesses insult Illegal scum-sucking dirt-bags that chomp on U.S. resources!!! The pizza shop that I go to has a sign that says, English speaking only, or they won't take your order. That's why I go there, and it's the best damn pizza I ever had!!! "

Wow. I totally forgot that pizza speaks English! Just to back up Teachem's point, here is a partial list of people who came over on the Mayflower:

Humility Calzone
Rustica Fuller
William "Pepperoni" Bradford
Mozzarella John Carver

Next week, we will tackle Burger King and their new "Somali Pirate Head Shot Happy Meal". Yum.


Threads and Stuff #3

Let's take a look at what people are babbling about on the QVC Family, Friends & Relationships forum! What could possible go wrong?

It's Spring Break Time on the Beach!

Daily Positive Thread for Tuesday

What the hell am I supposed to say. I mean, it's like shooting cremated cats sitting on Adirondack Dinning Chairs in a barrel. Then again I have to admit I did wiki Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. Oh and to put your mind at ease, Manny the cat's surgery went fine.

Good times.