With the pseudo-news today that the weaselly, little, redheaded man-kid from the Harry Potter movies survived a battle with the swine flu(i.e. a sore throat that kept him in bed for 5 days) We thought that it was time to focus a spotlight on how the dumb-asses across the pond have responded to this medical emergency. We would hate for anyone to think stupid and paranoid morons only live in America. The fact remains that humans are worthless and intellectually challenged all over the world. Wow, we are bitter.
Oh and thanks again to ireemama for sending in another great comment!
From the UK's The Mirror website, in reaction to every child in Scotland being vaccinated for swine flu:
PraisetheLord wrote:
" Would I trust the Government to inject my child ?,, a Government who bombed London underground and the #30 bus on 7/7, I wouldn't trust them to cut my grass!!30 + 3 trains = 33 = Illuminati, If swine flu came out of a Lab what is there to be gained ? It takes us one step closer to a New Word Order, one World Health Authority, do people really think Aids came from a monkey bite ? these monkeys have been biting folk for years previous to the AIDS virus, so it can't be that !!, I urge all to research this virus, because the signs are quite clear, it's man made !"
See, we always thought that AIDS monkeys were responsible for creating the Illuminati who then used a herd of infected swine to plan the 7/7 bombings. Thanks to our new friend, who seems to love praising the lord more than getting sufficient oxygen to his brain, everyone at Stupid Galore has seen the light. The glorious truth has become so very, very, kinda, sorta, clear! The things you learn on the Internets.
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