So how about that Michelle Malkin? Whether you agree or disagree with her strong opinions, you won't disagree to agree that she is a well respected and big-time player in the world of political blogging. We here at Stupid Galore love and are in fact quite jealous of anyone who can convince people to click on pointless internet ads over and over again. Trust us; it's a hard thing to do. We have made nothing so far. Zip.
I mean look to your right..there's a nice juicy ad over there. What's wrong with you? Are you too good to give us your hard earned $.00000001? Cheap bastards...
Anyhoo, here's a ridiculous comment from a recent and thought provoking Michelle Malkin article entitled Black Caucus, white wash.
You have read “What if” books? Like, “What if Germany had won the war?”
I would like to read a book that looked at the United States today and said, “What if there had been no slavery and the border had been protected?”
But it would probably be too damn depressing…no Crips, Bloods, La Raza, Rap Music, prison riots, free school lunches, welfare, inner cities, etc.
On top of the fact that all of those things (without the same super-cool kick-ass names) would still exist because white people are pretty darn good at starting gangs and riots, demanding free lunches and creating and sustaining crippling poverty, here are some of things we would NOT have:
-Modern American Music. Sorry dude, that includes Lynard Skynard, Hank Williams (Sr. and Jr.) and even that douche bag Toby Keith.
-The Taco Bell, who's parking lot you lost your virginity in while listening to the above music.
Dude, I mean, did you not think about this before commenting? If we had been tightening borders for the past 250 years I find it hard to believe that tons of people with the last name Maglalang, no matter how talented and educated they happen to be would have been allowed in this amazing country of ours.
But remember Rob, it's your imaginary silent, bland and racist world, so you are more then welcome to tell us to go f--- ourselves. You wouldn't be the first.
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