It's that time again! (despite the fact we are not 100% sure if it was ever that time before)
Stupid Galore wishes to honor a few of the stupidest galoriest websites of all time!!!!
These crapholes are so bad that the comments left by people with super high speed internet but no teeth, are usually the most intelligent part. Each week we will introduce you, the "dumb-ass illiterate" (not to be confused with the illiterate dumb-asses we are mocking), to a new site that will have you questioning the value of humanity. If you think about it we are a horrible, horrible bunch. We fight, kill, smell bad (Yeah we're looking right at you France) and create pure evil like One Tree Hill and Ghost Whisperererer....erer. Anyhoo, let the f***t*** Olympics begin!
-If you like politics AND you have frontal lobe damage you are going to love:
Aw man, this site is tight! It's got mad skilzzzzz. Come for the stupid, stay for the wacky lies!
NEXT WEEK: We make fun of Alpacas, seriously.
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