Vacations can be a giant pain in the ass. If you're traveling with kids just multiply your worries by X (x=number of brats - number of xanax you can take without falling into a coma).
Just thinking about it makes me want to burn my passport and run, not walk, to get a vasectomy, but there are ways to avoid having a terrible time on your trip into madness. The travel experts here at Stupid Galore strongly suggest that you do your homework before embarking on a soul-crushing family vacation. Handy websites like TripAdvisor will help you find the right hotel at the right price and in the right location!
Let's say your little booze-induced mistakes worship at the feet of one Mr. Sponge Bob, if so then you might want to look into Nickelodeon's Family Hotel in Orlando. Browsing the reviews yields what you might expect: some people think it's the bee's knees, others think it's the bee's crotch. But one review jumped out at us as not only being hilariously tragic but also tragically hilarious. Before you read the review please remember to keep this invaluable travel tip in mind: Nothing will ruin a trip like warm beer and dead children. Enjoy!
Trauma that we'll never recover from
by: Traveling-Momma5
"Not enough life jackets to accomodate the families that wanted them, and we witnessed a small lifeless boy being drug from the pool, which completely tramatized our family. We're hoping and praying he will fully recover, we were told by the staff that he eventually did begin breathing.
Dirty room, many things broken (lights, phones, refrigerator, safe). Restricted shuttle hours, broken icee machine, broken coffee machine, warm beer.
NOT worth the money, not even close."
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